Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Working on the First edition front cover - Photo Shop

Since I have planed everything in detail, It was very easy to work in Photo Shop.
I have used Photo Shop before and I already knew how to use it.
I used my flat plan as a background to help me layout the text I had prepared and I positioned everything in a way that it will look similar to the plan.
I had followed my plan to an extent, as I kept most of the features from the front cover plan.
The only different thing is that I decided to change them around  based on what I have seen on different fashion magazine front covers.  I made the " fashion's new wave" the headline. Then I had to put them around in a way that it will cover the blank spaces on the cover but not overcrowd it. My intention is to follow the simplistic convention/theme of fashion magazines.

 I have taken some photographs, but since I've used natural lightning I used the brightest one,
here you can see the other photographs ...

Once I opened the photo in Photoshop I've see a difference in colour so I used a filter to make it look more orange and improve the distribution of light.
 As you can see I added the masthead "LIBERTY" and I separated the background from the masthead by using blending options to define the word "LIBERTY".  Moreover you can see that I have changed the filter to orange so it looks more orange.   

 After adding all the text and features such as the price and date and the bar code and the website link, I still felt like there is something missing.

So I looked at Harper's BAZAAR magazine and studied the little details.  
I looked at the little circle shaped writing and I decided to do something similar.
Therefore, I added "THE BEAUTY OF NATURE" - 2018- .

-This is the final Front Cover for the first edition of the LIBERTY magazine-

Statement of intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your c...