First Flat Plans
For the first flat plans, I have used my test shots to get a reasonable result as I know my drawing skills are not as good.
I have used different features form fashion magazines to inspire me in creating my own front cover and contents pages.
but as we can see on my first try ... I didn't get the result I was expecting.
This plan was meant to be the November-2018 edition of Liberty(the title of the magazine I am creating)
I printed out the masthead and stuck it to the plan as I knew I will not be able to get close enough to the font desired, apart from the masthead I wrote and drew the rest of the plan.
I didn't want to copy the same features other magazines had so I made mine up but kept them realistic to the fashion industry standards.
The second edition (December-2018) plan of Liberty, came out more successful than the fist one as I already got the ideas and I knew the layout, whereas on the first one I was a bit sceptical with the colours and layout as well as the features.
Here we can see that I have glued on the masthead too much to the side thinking that this will be my final plan and I will change the first edition, but I felt like I had already too much on the cover.
I remembered most fashion magazines having simplistic covers so I went back to that on my final plans.
Here are the plans for the front covers...
I have been looking and trying to make everything bond and have a fluid continuity.
However, I didn't consider the date and I just looked at the images and added the text for the contents thinning more about the layout rather than the general image and concepts cohesion.
On this contents page I took off the masthead as I wanted to try and design it myself from scratch. Once again it did not work. Therefore I left this without a masthead and I haven't colored it in.
I looked again at my mistakes and thought that this time I will not omit any small detail, so I started...
but looking at the final product I wasn't pleased with the layout and I realized I have tried to use different features and they were too many to fit in one page.
For this cover, I managed to color in and create the images that relate to the contents written.
I have been doing some corrections, as we can see the line under "cover stories", and the circled line followed by an arrow that suggests that it should be moved to a different place to improve my work.
Here we can see that I have improved my skills in planning and designing the contents page.
However, I changed my mind after seeing the final result.
I decided that the image would fit in the December edition best.
I also created a better Idea about what and how many sources of inspiration to follow in my work.
Once I have limited the options it became easier to plan and keep my mind clear while working and designing my front covers and contents pages.
Final Flat Plans
I decided to follow the simplistic convention of fashion magazines.
So, I made the features shorter but still attractive for the audience.
I used all the conventions of a fashion magazine including the social media platforms and barcode.
I used the social media platforms at the bottom but then I realised that I might not use them in Photo Shop as most Fashion Magazines don't use them.
This is my final flat Plan -contents page for the autumn edition (November-2018)
Before starting on the contents page I planed the lay out and thought of how much I want to write and how my pictures will look like if I place them next to the text/contents.
Then I had in mind this photograph of a girl with her hair down, blonde hair, wearing a beautiful red garment running through the woods suggesting the desire to have freedom which also relates to the name of the magazine.
- 1.the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's behaviour or political views.
The bottom picture will include different women/girls with different skin tones promoting ethnicity and equality.
This is my final flat Plan - Front Cover for the winter edition (December-2018)
Here I already knew what I want, looking back to the draft of the December edition.
I kept the simplistic template from the first edition, focusing more on the photograph rather then filling in the front cover with text.
This time, I was happy with the result and I managed to choose a photograph that focuses on the garment and its small details as well as the model since the main story is about the model.
Once again, I used the social media platforms at the bottom but then I realised that I might not use them in Photo Shop as most Fashion Magazines don't use them.
This is my final flat Plan -contents page for the winter edition (December-2018)
I kept the image as I felt like the dress and the colours go well with the front cover and it shows a fluid continuity of colours and simplistic theme.
To show that there is a link between the first edition and second edition(the image ob the left) I kept the same features:
-On the cover
-Special Features
-Art and lifestyle
-Main photograph
- 2 other images linked to the list of contents.
I wanted a different layout for the contents page so for the second edition I chose to have the main image in the top centre, and the contents underneath whereas the first edition- contents page was starting with the contents straight from the top having an image on the top right side. I believe this shows continuity as they contain the same features even though the lay out is different.
Moreover, I think that the change in layout provides the viewers/consumers with diversity. Having diversity, people will not get bored and will continue looking for what is new as the magazine brings in the new trends and news in fashion.
Final Flat Plan for the Fashion Magazine Website
Similar to the Magazine Flat Plans, I used the printed mastehead, but I already has in mind a layout for the website, and it was so much easier to plan and think through what I want to do.Here as well I took inspiration from different VOGUE websites. I applied a simplistic theme to the website as well as the magazine.
I only planed having the main page of the website, having social media on the left side the search bar on the top right side and the masthead and menu spread out in 4 sections:
-Art and lifestyle
If someone would click one NEWS this page would open up showing the latest articles.
The fist article is the main story on the physical copy of the magazine's December edition.
Once clicking on the first article, You can see the article opening up.
The article will have a similar image to the one on the front cover of the physical magazine, the image on the left side will be a slide gallery which will show a few photographs of the subject as well as the interview.