Thursday, October 11, 2018

Website Investigation & Design

Fashion Magazine website investigation


I have used Wix before it was updated and seeing that they are offering such a diverse range of templates really helped me in choosing the right layout and format of a fashion magazine website.

I choose to go to the Fashion and beauty templates.

Most of the templates were aimed at beauty-makeup and fashion blogs or online fashion stores. 

I choose the template: Small Brand.

Then I looked at the template and I liked the way it was laid out so I clicked "Edit this site".
The tools available to change and personalize the site were very accessible. 

I have looked into the tools available and I tried to give my site a personal touch.

I looked at all the tools and used most of them just to get used to WIX, for when I will do my actual site for my fashion magazine. 

It took me 15-20 min to create the home page as you can see above. 
 I had to change the title and add social media links as well as change the content.

 The gallery at the top was a nice option, I saw many websites of fashion magazines having a slider gallery so I added one myself. I used the photographs available from WIX for this.

I went into a simpler version of my initial idea, I wanted to create a flexible slider to show the main picture of the articles that are part of the (TOP STORIES) but WIX did not have that option so I kept thing simple. 

Furthermore, the post in the middle is part of the top stories which was inspired from the Vogue website.  I had to delete the video that came with the template and replace it with a Versace Fashion show on YouTube. 

It was harder than I expected but it was a nice challenge. 

 ***However, this is the first time I am trying Wix since updated, and this is just an investigation. I will not use this as my final website.***

Case Studies of Fashion Magazines

fashion GIF by franknitty3000I went into further research about Vogue and made a simple case study inspired by Grazia's case study that is available on their website. For the case study, I had to look at different articles and use social media platforms to be able to give more information about Vogue magazine.

Statement of intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your c...